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Self-Awareness: The Most Valuable Graduation Gift.

Kathryn Dafos

Your child has the grades, you've got the tuition, together you've identified the best university and received the letter of admission! Congratulations!

Unfortunately, both professors and students report that high schools don't adequately prepare teens for their first year of university, which is one of the most stressful transition periods young people face. In fact, one in six students never complete their studies, according to Statistics Canada's Youth in Transition Survey.

This will probably be the first time your son or daughter will be self-reliant. They will face the challenges associated with less class-time, bigger classes and new relationships and influences, without you being there as their emotional safety net.

Now let’s think about your sons and daughters who are completing their post-secondary education and starting their careers. Do they understand the challenges and benefits of working with diverse personalities or how their own personality will affect their success?

According to an Instructure study, 85 percent of managers reported work ethic as the most important attribute for employee success, while 79 percent said a candidate's prestigious schooling was the least important consideration.

Are your kids ready to succeed?

As parents we tend to spend a lot of time pointing out our children’s strengths. However, it is difficult (and often not well received) when we point out their weaknesses. As a result, they grow up without knowing the full dimensions of their personality.

Give them the gift of self-awareness. Help your child discover their inner spark and reach their endless potential.

Completing a Spark Portrait is life-changing. It increases self-awareness, reveals hidden potential and helps people cope better under pressure, while providing practical actions to improve communication, relationships and leadership.

A Lumina Spark portrait will help your Grad identify:

Their success behaviours;

What they’re like under pressure;

When their personality helps them;

When it holds them back; and

Which roles inspire them most.

Where psychometrics meet technology.

Lumina Learning is the first scientifically validated psychometric solution that reveals the whole personality. It provides a unique portrait that measures 72 aspects of personality and demonstrates how these qualities morph depending on our underlying, everyday and over-extended emotional states.

Lumina Spark Grad Special! Save 20% on a Lumina Spark Portrait and 1.5 hour self-discovery session. Only $280 + GST (Regular Price: $350).

To learn more…


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